As we approach the end of 2024, we have been informed that certain Health Insurance plans are changing their Wellness Benefit programs offered. We want to ensure your fitness journey with us continues smoothly into 2025. It is essential to keep us updated on any changes to your insurance in order to avoid disruptions to your fitness center access. If your membership is currently linked to an insurance-based fitness plan, such as Silver&Fit/Active&Fit, RenewActive, OnePass or FitOn. All memberships under these plans EXPIRE ON December 31st, 2024.
What We Need from You:
If you are NOT changing insurance for 2025:Please inform our staff as soon as possible so we can confirm your status and extend your membership in kisi through 2025.
If you ARE changing your insurance: Once you have confirmed your new plan and wellness benefit, please obtain your new Fitness ID and enroll in that particular program (Silver&Fit/Active&Fit, RenewActive, OnePass or FitOn). We need this process to be completed by you prior to enrollment back to our facility.
NEW Enrollment for memberships at Platinum Fitness Center will be eligible starting Monday January 6th 2025.
If you are concerned about the lapse in access to the fitness center from January 1st through the 6th, you are encouraged to purchase a 1 week pass for $35 to allow your 24/7 access during this time.
How to Update Us:
Email: platinumfitnessctr@gmail.com
Phone: (360)341-5289
In-person: Stop by the front office, be ready with your NEW Fitness Plan and NEW Fitness ID (you can obtain from your plans wellness benefit).
This will be a transition for ALL involved so please be patient and courteous with staff, plan your update according to office and Holiday hours, be prepared with your changes and have a positive attitude.
We value your membership and want to ensure that everything is in place for a smooth transition into the new year. Your prompt communication will help us avoid any potential hiccups with your account and prevent you from being locked out of the facility during non-staffed hours.
Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to supporting you in reaching your fitness goals in 2025!
Best regards,
PFC Staff